Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    2. Outcomes and what is included

    1. Self care vs self love

    2. What self care is not

    1. So where do we start

    2. Why is it important?

    1. Mind, Body and Spirit

    2. Types of Self Care

    3. Ideas

    1. How can you take care of your body and physical health

    2. Ideas for a healthy body

    3. How can you take care of your mind

    4. Ideas for a healthy mind

    1. Daily Self Care Habits

    2. Confidence and self esteem boosting self care ideas

    3. Develop your own plan

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today


Additional extras you get with this course

  • Ebook Natural Remedies to Less Stress and Better Sleep

    How to use natural remedies to lessen stress and help you sleep better

  • 101 Self Improvement Boosters Article

    101 ways to improve yourself

  • Self Care and Self Love Affirmations

    Affirmations to help you to improve on your self care and to learn to love yourself